Saturday, June 30, 2012


Time lapse photography example
Perhaps I should explain the significance behind the handle timelapserunner (or alternately, time lapse runner). It's basically a play on words. A multiple play on words, or at least a set of words amenable to multiple meanings. The standard meaning of time lapse that usually comes to mind is the technique called time lapse photography, where slow-moving events are photographed one frame at a time at a fixed but infrequent interval, then played back in real time at many frames per second (typically 24 to 26 fps). We've all seen the videos of flowers blooming, clouds moving across the sky, or the sun setting, all in just a few seconds of video.

That's part of what I mean, but not all the meanings. So, let's do the dictionary thing with time lapse runner and see what the timelapserunner means to mean by those words and that handle.

time lapse runner - noun phrase
  1. the time lapse runner is any runner whose motion constitutes a slow-moving event, requiring time lapse photography to render credible running speeds,
  2. the time lapse runner is any runner with long lapses in time between serious bouts of enthusiasm with the sport,
  3. the time lapse runner is any runner who has or will run timed laps around a track to verify pace or conditioning, or
  4. the timelapserunner blog, which will include some time-lapse photography.
OK. I know. I'm a nerd of sorts.

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