Tuesday, August 28, 2012

As Isaac was spared, may we be spared ...

Big PawPaw's Pine Trees
Monday Morning
Somehow, running and thoughts of next January's marathon are taking backseat to nature's interloper: Hurricane Isaac. Let me be the first to admit something. Storms like this seemed like a lot of fun and great excitement when I was seven, or ten, or twelve. But at my age, all that has changed. I want to admit that I am profoundly intimidated by a threatening hurricane, this one in particular. I've tried to ingest the words of Blessed Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, Don't Worry. But I only get partially through the first of those three before I start worrying again.

Let me express my most pointed fear directly: that Isaac will uproot the huge pine tree in the timelapserunner's back yard and send it crashing into our house. There. I've said it. But I don't feel much better.

I am a man of faith. I know that God in His providence cares for each and every one of us dearly - including the timelapserunner - and will provide us with all that is necessary to know that great love. I believe this deeply. But alongside this blessed, gifted belief there lies a scared little kid, whimpering in the corner. Oddly, I have no memories of that little kid from childhood. I don't remember seeing him during my formative years. I only vaguely recall his rare appearance during the parenting and working years. Now, however, he's decided to show up - and with a vengeance.

The Grove - Big PawPaw Style
with a good view of the granddaddy
Before I go all catatonic on you readers, let me tell you about the pine trees, Big PawPaw's pine trees. Rumor has it that these trees started out as samplings on the side of some Mississippi Interstate (only rumor, mind you). Mrs. timelapserunner's dad planted them in the right rear corner of our backyard one day during one of his regular business trip stays at our home. They really are nice-looking pines. One of them is huge, in fact, rising 50+ feet into the air. This cluster of six pines protected each other during Hurricane Gustav, though memory suggests they exhibited some violent swaying during the heavier gusts back in 2008.

The Granddaddy
at his best
More than once the timelapserunner thought of having (at least) the largest of these taken down, but thoughts never turned into action. So now PawPaw's pines must endure at least one more hellacious onslaught, this time from Isaac. So, let me start again, back at the good Padre's first point:

Big PawPaw, we ask that you continue to care for us as you always did during your days here. Intercede with the Lord to protect us your children, all those who lie in the path of this storm, and - if possible - preserve your pine tree grove through the tempest that is to come. We love you now as we always have. Thank you for all you have ever done for each of us. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

MONDAY'S WORKOUT: 3 miler around the neighborhood at a too-quick pace of 15:28; suffering from nerves about incoming storm.

TODAY'S WORKOUT: 4 miles at planned average pace of 11:38; actual pace 11:36; with intervals of 2:07 / 1:00 and nominal running pace of 10:18. Did Tuesday morning's workout at the Lakes which didn't please Mrs. timelapserunner a whole lot. Of course, she decided to tour the neighborhood for her constitutional which didn't please the timelapserunner a whole lot. Funny the double-double standard we hold.

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