Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Halo, everybody. Halo!

The timelapserunner's
infected drooping eyelid
The timelapserunner still hasn't quite learned that it's best to lay out all one's clothing and equipment the night before the next morning's run. Why? There are two good reasons, listed in my preferred order of importance: 1) rummaging around for that stuff in the dark whilst Mrs. timelapserunner is still trying to catch the last of her beauty sleep is a plan fraught with downside potential and is, of course, inconsiderate of me, and 2) it's quite easy to forget one of the many items (though probably not running shorts) in the haste of getting ready for the morning workout. Turns out that one of the most important items on the list - and the easiest to forget - is a sweatband.

It's not like we don't have any of these; we have three. But since they're sweat collectors by nature, they're thrown into the dirty clothes inventory and must process their way back out before reuse. (That process used to be a complete mystery to me. But I understand it better now.) Sweatbands also tend to get lost in the clothes drawer if tossed in among the rest of our running paraphernalia.

Yes, I know. I seem to be making excuses here. But forget one of these on a sweltering Louisiana morning and you're done for. The sweat rolls off the forehead and into the eyes before you know it. And does it burn! Even worse than burning, one can get a rollicking eye infection going if this omission (i.e., failure to don a sweatband) is frequent. The first inset pic captures my drooping eyelid and puffy under-eye some days after the worst episode I've had. Something not to be repeated.

Even with a sweatband, if you're out there a long time - as we will be soon enough - run of the mill sweatbands will tend to saturate and lose their effectiveness. Most of us don't go out running with a backup sweatband either. So, what to do?

Halo II Headband
(Pic from Halo)
Fear not! The Halo II Headband (shown on the right) comes to the rescue - we hope. After absorbing and evaporating what sweat can be absorbed or evaporated, Halo's patented Sweat Block Technology comes into play. It's simply an elongated rectangle of plastic material that channels any excess perspiration away from the brow and to the sides of the face, far enough from the corners of the eyes to save them from salty torture.

The timelapserunner had ordered one of these to try. We'll see if this thing works, but it wasn't expensive: $5 + shipping. We'll give it a test on the first scheduled running day after it arrives. We'll let you know whether it does the trick for the timelapserunner or not. Still, he'd best lay it out with the rest of his gear the night before.

TODAY'S WORKOUT: Three easy miles of walking; average pace - 15:46. Active-isolated stretching after the walk.

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