Granddaddy Pine - Intact |
Hurricane Isaac has come, and now nearly gone. We're still having some trailing bands of the storm marching through during the remainder of today, but hopefully the worst is over. The
timelapserunner is simply astounded by the enduring presence of Big PawPaw's pine trees, especially Granddaddy Pine (see photo).
Thank you, Big PawPaw, for your intercession during this windy storm. Your trees are - for the most part - intact and we are safe. We are blessed.
Truly. But some sacrifices were made in the process, it would seem. Not every tree stands after this damaging storm rode through.
Taking one for the troops
(See fallen comrade right center) |
It's been my theory - as I wax engineeringly - that this little grove of trees tend to stand as a group, protecting one another from the strong northeasterly winds that blow out of the top right corner of such storms. Indeed, at least one of these trees in that corner of our little local world gave itself up in sacrifice for his brothers (see photo at right). One of the lead trees in that corner came down yesterday as the wind speed escalated. Haven't been back there to see it up close, but it might have taken out some fence as well.
Do we have power or not? |
There'll be a little cleanup to do in the yard, but nothing like that left behind by Gustav four years ago. Nearly a million customers without power at the peak of the storm damage but - beyond our amazement - our residence never once lost power. There were a couple of flickers yesterday and the Entergy website seems to indicate we might shouldn't have power - but we do.
So, what about the training schedule during this wild and crazy week?
WEDNESDAY'S WORKOUT: Nixed. Could have walked the three miles on the treadmill but opted out.
TODAY'S WORKOUT: Did stretches, then headed out of the house intent on doing a 3 or 4-miler run in the neighborhood despite the threats of winds and rain. Got about 30 feet into the windy drizzle and thought the better of it. Came back in and did the 4-miler on the 'dreadmill' with an average planned pace of 11:53 and actual pace of 12:00 with 2:02 / 1:00 intervals and nominal run of 10:32. Felt a funny ache inside the left ankle at one point, but it soon went away. BTW,
Mrs. timelapserunner decided to walk the neighborhood today. In the drizzle. With the winds. Hmmm.
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