Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Details

We've decided on the run/walk/run strategy espoused by Jeff Galloway. We understand that there will be a long run on the weekend, two other workouts on a couple of weekdays, the possibility of some cross-training in between all that, and a rest day after the long run. But we've got to spell out the details of this and the gradual increase in long run mileage. The timelapserunner is an experienced runner but has never run a marathon. Turns out, Jeff has an app - er, a training program for that - his Experienced Runner 28-week program for the 2013 Walt Disney World Marathon!

This Galloway marathon program is ideal for the timelapserunner., and is actually on a week of the schedule for the Louisiana Marathon. So, by adjusting the Disney program by one week, we've got a reasonable training program for our January 20th, 2013 marathon.

Jeff offers but doesn't demand that we do more than the three days of training spelled out in that program. However, in his book - Marathon - You can do it! - he suggests that even walking (not speed walking) can be an effect form of cross-training for the other weekdays. That's what we'll do - unless we decide to step out and do something different (like get our bike fixed and take up cycling).

Put all this together and the timelapserunner's Louisiana Marathon training schedule looks like that in the table below, with Week 1 coming up this coming Monday, July 9th!

timelapserunner's Detailed Week-by-Week Marathon Training Program
With the start of the training program heading towards us like a freight train, the excitement and angst is starting to rise. Good thing the program starts off like a lamb. We're not exactly ready to meet the lion.

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